
July 28, 2020

Un’estate in fondo al mare

Curated by Sandro Malossini Promoters Felsina Factory, in collaboration with Pro Loco di Marina di Ravenna and with the patronage of Regione Emilia Romagna- Assemblea Legislativa August 1st 2020 – August 30th Agosto 2020 Opening: August 1st 2020, h 18.00. Museo Nazionale delle Attività Subacquee, Piazzale Marinai d’Italia, 16 48122 Marina di Ravenna (RA). https://www.hdsitalia.it/museo-mas/
January 21, 2021


For Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021, the Brera Academy of Fine Arts offers an exhibition entitled “Muselmann”, a tribute to Aldo Carpi, curated by Prof. Barbara Nahmad and Prof. Stefano Pizzi with an introductory note by Prof. Vittoria Coen, in collaboration with the Shoah Memorial and the Sons of the Shoah Association. Aldo Carpi, professor of painting at Brera, due to a tip-off from a colleague, was arrested by the fascists and then deported first to Mauthausen and then to his most tragic “Kommando”, that of Gusen, where he met the tragic figure of the “muselmann”, a word that in the Lagerszpracha jargon of the camps indicated prisoners with starvation to the bones already in the pre-agony phase. It is perhaps the only diary to come out of the Nazi concentration camps, one of the few “direct” documents on the concentration camps: what is striking in it is the moral strength and the intact capacity of artistic reflection. The example of Aldo Carpi is certainly a source of inspiration for the professors and students who have joined the initiative by creating a modular installation of black and white works on paper, an ideal wall mosaic, which on January 27 will be […]
May 23, 2024

Per Grazia Ricevuta

Edited by Alberto Mattia Martini 23.05 – .07.2024 Opening Thursday 23 May at 7 pm Galleria Giovanni Bonelli is pleased to present the exhibition Per Grazia Ricevuta, curated by Alberto Mattia Martini. A group exhibition that aims to explore and reinterpret the theme of the former Voting in a contemporary context: a correlation between history and present, relating Tradition and modernity. Votive offerings, Didi-Huberman reminds us, are mysterious and fascinating objects, which could be associated with ghosts; they are steeped in history and spirituality, they act as tangible witnesses of the human experiences of gratitude, protection, miracle, and survival. The artists present at the exhibition, through their personal styles and languages ranging from painting to offer a unique and personal perspective, contributing to a collective narrative that aims to stimulate discussion and interaction through the legacy inherent in votive offerings. The exhibition is configured as a reflection on the relationship between tradition and innovation, between the sacred and the sacred profane, between the tangible and the transcendent. Contemporary votive offerings, while maintaining their value symbolic, move from purely religious roots to embrace a more secular and Universal. As the curator Alberto Mattia Martini states: “In the exhibition, the ancient tradition […]
March 13, 2025


6 Marzo – 6 Aprile 2025Ore 18:00 – 21:30Studi Turi, Foro Buonaparte 70, Milano Per definizione, chi dipinge è un pittore, sia esso professionista o dilettante. Quando a dipingere è una donna, diventa una pittrice. Questa mostra, “PITTRICI”, celebra e valorizza uno dei ruoli di una donna più difficili da conquistare, un percorso complesso e spesso ostacolato nel corso della storia. L’essere pittrice, infatti, non è solo una professione, ma uno dei più combattuti diritti che una donna, in quanto tale, sente il bisogno di difendere per sé stessa e per affermare la propria natura e identità. Facoltà conquistata attraverso secoli di battaglie per il riconoscimento artistico e sociale. Uno sguardo al passato Per comprendere la portata di questa conquista, dobbiamo tornare indietro nel tempo e citare Lavinia Fontana (1552-1614), riconosciuta come la prima donna artista professionista nella storia dell’arte occidentale. Il suo celebre “Autoritratto nello studio” (1579, dipinto su rame) la ritrae nel suo ambiente di lavoro, intenta a copiare dal vero due piccole sculture, reperti archeologici di cui era collezionista. La sua postura, gli abiti eleganti e gli accessori preziosi testimoniano non solo la sua cultura umanistica, ma anche la sua affermazione come professionista indipendente. Lavinia Fontana aprì […]