Per Grazia Ricevuta
May 23, 2024On Friday, November 24th at the headquarters of the APT BASILICATA in Matera in Piazza Vittorio Veneto, the exhibition “Tributo a Scotellaro” was inaugurated, which collects the works created for the occasion by thirty artists of the Brera-Milan Academy. The exhibition was promoted by the Aiello Foundation, with the moral patronage and support of the Presidency of the Basilicata Region and with the contribution of the Matera 2019 Open Future Foundation.
An event, therefore, of national importance in a first-level cultural venue, thanks to the effective availability of the director Antonio Nicoletti.
With the super vision of the external relations officer of the Brera Academy, prof. Stefano Pizzi, the works of the following artists are exhibited:
Christmas Addamo, Arcangelo, Italo Bressan, Angelo Casciello, Marco Casentini, Italo Chiodi, Luca Coser, Piermario Dorigatti, Tamara Ferioli, Cristiana Fioretti, Giovanni Frangi, Renato Galbusera, Cristina Gall, Barbara Giorgis, Cosmo Laera, Salvatore Lovaglio, Franco Marrocco, Barbara Nahmad, Sergio Nannicola, Marco Pellizzola, Stefano Pizzi
Pizzichini, Roberto Priod, Nicola Salvatore, Alessandro Savelli, Tetsuro Shimizu, Alessandro Spadari, Simona Uberto, Dany Vescovi.
The fifteen engravings that Domenico Cantatore dedicated in 1974 to Scotellaro are on display. Commenting on Lucania of the last, also fifteen extraordinary photographs of Pino Latronico.
The exhibition ended on January 06, 2024.
Event promoted by: Fondazione Aiello – Moliterno (PZ)
Tel: 339 5725077
E-mail address: info.aiellomusei.it
Website: www.aiellomusei.com